UK MHRA Guidance: Applying for a Licence to Market a Medicine in the UK
UK MHRA: Guidance on Applying for a Manufacturer or Wholesaler of Medicines Licence
Swiss Medic: Guidance on GMP compliance by Foreign Manufacturers & Application Establishment Licence for Medicinal Products
UK MHRA Guidance: Applying for a Variation to a Marketing Authorisation
UK MHRA: Guidance on Regulation of devices in Northern Ireland & Apply for Manufacturer or Wholesaler of Medicines Licences
UK MHRA: Guidance on Licence to Market, Export Drugs, Reclassifing Medicine s & Notifying about a Clinical Investigation for a Medical Device
UK MHRA Guidance: Navigating on Applying for a Licence to Market a Medicine
South Africa's (SAPHRA): Questions And Answers Licensing Of Medical Device Establishments
UK MHRA Guidance: Apply for a Licence to Market a Medicine in the UK
Malaysia’s NPRA: Guideline on Manufacturer’s, Import, Wholesaler’s Licenses & Nitrosamine Impurity
MHRA Guidance: Licensing of Biosimilar Products
UK MHRA Guidance: How to get a Parallel Import Licence in UK
Philippines FDA: Guidelines on the Unified Licensing Requirements
Philippines FDA Guidance: License to Operate (LTO) Application of Retailers of Medical Devices
UK MHRA's: Apply for a Parallel Import Licence (Guidance Update)
Philippines FDA: Guidelines on the Licensing of Retailers of Medical Devices